NCHSTCA 2024 2-A Women's Tennis All-State Team
- Details
- Written by: Donald Clark
Player School Class
Anna Schweppe Shelby Senior
Lillian McFall Seaforth Senior
Mallory Aull Pine Lake Prep Freshman
Braelyn Stilwell East Burke Senior
Mackenzie Pendleton Burns Senior
Marissa Pendleron Burns Freshman
Victoria Zhou Research Triangle Sophomore
Alexis Zhao Research Triangle Freshman
Cora Wymbs North Carolina School of Science and Math Junior
Isabella Hocker North Carolina School of Science and Math Senior
Lucy Barr Salisbury Senior
Meredith Williams Salisbury Junior

NCHSAA Releases Second Draft of 25-26 Conference Assignments
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- Written by: Vic Ramsey
On Tuesday, January 21st, the NCHSAA released its second draft of the new conference assignments for the 25-26 realignment. (Just before Christmas, the NCHSAA had released its first draft,)
While there are numerous changes, the overall picture remains the same.
Of the 61 conferences, only 13 will be composed entirely of schools within the same classification. Forty-four conferences have two classifications represented, and four are three-way splits.
Of the 441 schools assigned to conferences (2 were classed as "independents"), only 90 are shown in conferences composed entirely of schools in a single classification, while 322 are in two-way splits, and 29 are in three-way splits.
Eight schools (down from ten in the first draft) are listed as the only school of a given classification in its conference, and 46 schools are one of two schools in a given class in its conference.
The prevalence of split conferences is true in all eight classifications, and is testimony to the fact that the Realignment Committee prioritized geography and natural rivalry over grouping schools of similar size.
Click here to see the complete conference assignment report as posted on the NCHSAA website.
The NCHSAA will entertain appeals to the conference assignments through Tuesday, January 28th, and will release a final report once all appeals have been resolved.
For a complete discussion of the coming realignment, including the conference assignments, as well as the issues the realignment poses for high school tennis, check out our Notes on the 25-26 Realignment.
This article has been updated to reflect the second draft of the conference assignments released by the NCHSAA on January 21st.
Realignment News from the NCHSAA Winter Meeting
- Details
- Written by: Vic Ramsey
The NCHSAA Board of Directors held its 2024 winter meeting in Chapel Hill on December 4th and 5th, with the issues surrounding the 2025-26 realignment taking center stage.
The primary headline is: nothing new was decided about realignment or playoff structures, but intense discussions about these issues are ongoing.
Revised Dual Team Lineup Sheet
- Details
- Written by: Vic Ramsey
For the past several years, the NCHSAA has required the use of a "dual-team lineup sheet", which coaches exchange prior to the beginning of the match.
Over the summer, NCHSTCA leadership, working with Caitlin McMannen at NCHSAA, revised the lineup sheet to address several shortcomings of the previous version, and to reduce confusion about what coaches can and cannot do with their dual-team lineups.
In addtion, we've written a "user's guide" to the revised lineup sheet, to explain what's changed and how the lineup sheet is to be used.
Click here for a .pdf copy of the lineup sheet, and for a copy of the user's guide.
An interactive Excel version of the lineup sheet, which you can download and complete on your own computer, is being emailed to all coaches for whom we have an accurate email address. If you have not received your copy, please send an email to our
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